Why SPRING is the Best Time of Year for Bod Squad!
There is definitely room for debate about the best time of year to do Bod Squad, but generally speaking, we reckon Spring has got the top spot. Here’s why!
Sunshine = Smiles!
The sun is shining, the air is fresh and the temperature hasn’t quite reached those dizzying heights of summer! There are so many benefits to working out in the sunshine; even just being in the sunshine. We’ve had our fair share of clouds this year, so boy-oh-boy is it time to get outside and make the most of being able to work out in the sunshine! Get that Vitamin D in you, and lap up the benefits (so many benefits).
With better weather, comes better moods! Seriously - sun exposure dramatically improves mood through the production of serotonin and endorphins. So, combine the endorphin release of exercise and the sun shining and we really do have ourselves a winning Bod Squad- Springtime equation!
What is it about Spring being the time for cleaning / detoxing. In the diet world, it’s all about summer bodies, but we aren’t about that, necessarily. If, however, you’ve been wanting to get back into the swing of things after a slightly slower winter, then it is totally aligned with Spring to detox your energy and exercise routine at the same time! Bye bye winter blues, hello active Spring bunny. If you do have goals you’ve not yet hit, Spring is a great time to reassess and commit, since the end of the year is getting closer, and the motivation can be higher with a shorter time scale to fulfil your 2022 goals!
This is one for your coaches too… the sun rising earlier and setting later means we get to set up the sessions in the light! Game changer. Minus the week or two that daylight savings rudely interrupts ;). Waking up to daylight makes getting up easier- it’s the natural circadian rhythm vs. slightly interrupting it when we wake up in the dark in winter. So in Spring, we can truly roll with the days and use our natural energy to help us get up and out and enjoy bootcamp!
What are your favourite reasons for training in the Spring ?